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本篇文章百科互动给大家谈谈360申请CHAT360商标,以及第一步进入360号码申诉标记平台对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。 本文目录: 1、电脑如何注册微信账号














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360申请CHAT360商标(第一步进入360号码申诉标记平台)  第1张


第一封360申请CHAT360商标: Cause broad user of a letter. QQ

Dear QQ users:

When you see this letter, we just made a very difficult decision. In 360 company ceases to QQ for plugin abuse and malicious slander before, we decide to bring in equipped with 360 software computer stop running QQ software. We know that this will give you a certain inconvenience, we sincerely apologize to you. Also the made that decision because written below, hope get your understanding and support.

A, protect your QQ account safety

Recent 360 compulsory spread and intimidation user install illegal plugins "buckle buckle bodyguards". This software hijacked the QQ security module, leading to the QQ lose related functions. In 360 software running environment, we cannot guarantee your QQ account safety. 360 dominated the whole QQ chat entrance, QQ all data, including login account and password, friends, and chat messages have been 360 search out, just returned to QQ user, equivalent to each user own door unsolicited "bodyguards," every time door have been "bodyguards" mandatory searched to enter the door. We were persecuted helpless, only in this way to protect your QQ account will not be malicious hijacked.

Second, to no moral bottom line behavior to say no

360 repeatedly manufacturing "QQ infringe users privacy" rumors about QQ security functions malicious slander. In fact QQ security module despiseth not make any user privacy data scanning, monitoring, more absolutely not upload user data. At present, we will have QQ security module code to third parties detection to prove our innocence.

What is more, 360 as an Internet security companies, unexpectedly launch plug-in software, openly stood in a "safe" opposite, to other companies software to hijack and control. These are no moral bottom line behavior.

Third, boycott illegal behavior

Any commercial action, no matter what the purpose, should be in the framework of the state laws and regulations. And 360 unexpectedly adopt "plugins" this illegal means, destroying the tecent company normal operations.

360 already in user's computer desktop to QQ launched hijacked and destruction. We can choose technical against, but think twice, we decided to cannot let your computer desktop become "battlefield", and choose the right to your software.

Twelve years, QQ fortunate to accompany you grow. Next day, we look forward to working with you to continue to peer!

Tecent company

2010 November 3rd

第二封: The pain of unbearable behind to QQ users - second letter

2010 November 4, 09:30 tencent technology

Dear QQ users:

This is a sleepless night. We spent the most people tencent pain and sad over ten hours. We know, make the tough decision after, will face some users of surprise and puzzled, blaming, blackguarded even to deviate from. We also know that, even if you have make a choice, will still be questions: how to reaction, tencent with such violent way?

Here, please listen to we sincerely apologize again a word, for all may give you cause problems and concerns, such difficult situation, we also unbearable. We clearly remember gives users a safe and stable service promise, also remember 12 years to product the progress of hard day and night. Nowadays, we rather bear may, in such fierce sinking way to express the reason, is because any persuasion, public opinion, justice voice all cannot contain 360 no moral bottom line of damage and steal, because we have no retreat, let no refund behind her, let, we were cliff miles-rock!

Because, we see 360 unbridled oppressed colleague's behavior has increasingly fierce, had not two companies, need has great hatred is greater than judgment, need to cause whole industry and government regulators in the high attention, lang lang is back to the user benefits first Internet development this path. Otherwise, will only make the industry into malignant competition, and finally the losers are you, is he, is each to love our, using our product user, it is whole in animated rise, and seek for the healthy development of the Internet industry.

And all are derived.

Two years ago 360 security guards were tecent company respect products, years of accumulation before entered 2 million users of computer, thus forming a huge cloud killing "network. This "cloud killing" model of instructions from the server backstage, in remote remote installation in 2 YiTai computer 360 security software. This is even a Microsoft, Google and other international Internet giant nor super ability.

But in fact, when 360 security guards first founders in 2008 after the departure, 360 began to go to the other extreme: using this long distance remotelly controlled manner, destroy all competitors any software! Their names including jinshan, rising, cattle, skinners, baidu, alibaba, kaspersky and tencent QQ. In the past few years, these companies regard 360 a court.

You question naturally, will be able to so many companies a series of wickedness, why angered meetingwithout terrified, why can at large?

Look back at China's Internet just ten years development, the industry's legislative unavoidably follow emerge in endlessly technological change. And the results have 2: firstly, haven't authoritative professional orgnaization of illegal technology can make a rapid identification, such as 360 use of "the cloud blocked" technology, Secondly, even for evidence of the crime, and has failed to give enough punishment. So far, China's Internet industry of illegal fines are only in millions of dollars. Ask, only the millions of yuan to income penchant for hundreds of millions of enterprise have enough deterrent force? Difficult.

This makes the dare to trample legal company. Rogue software in the first few years of operating 3721, with notorious gimmick oppressed counterparts and lose their several lawsuit, but still with 1.2 billion dollars hitch dangdang sale.

As a security software, technically speaking, the whole system had supreme control, because of this, the security software must achieve absolute justice and fairness and integrity, and we see with anxiety in the past some time, using their own security software for 360 system of supreme control, constantly using technology means malicious blow counterparts, trample law.

Not only such, 360 is cheating on network technology who don't know enough about the netizen, because of its technique quite deceptive. 360 under the name of "security" to "scare" means stress unaware of the truth of users uninstall off 360 rivals. In the past two years, home almost all browsers suffered 360 "infect trojans" name of threats, home almost all antivirus software were 360 give out "expire" and "security hidden danger of stroke, 360 antivirus so a single big.

Now, 360 as security software dominated the whole QQ chat entrance. QQ all data including login account and password, friends, and chat messages have been 360 filtering later returned to QQ users. This is equivalent to each user own door unsolicited "bodyguards," every time door have been "bodyguards" mandatory searched to enter the door. And the illegal "plugins" in 360 security software under the shield, much like a virus spread quickly.

All kinds of helpless, we can only use escape 360 way, can protect QQ account will not be malicious hijacked. Dear customer, can you understand? Many angry netizen blame us "high-handed", a lot of fans said we trust "too dumb" -- but, dear customer, we face today you, tao bottom a we living.

We're just in a the most destructive ways, to generate a cry for help. If there is no the cry for help, 6 billion QQ user privacy and network property, will be hijacked and master in a no moral bottom line of the company's hand, If there is no the cry for help, not only QQ will like rising, jinshan, cattle, skinners, kaspersky as innocent fell down, next, all enter 360 front Internet enterprise will fall, If there is no the cry for help, couldn't imagine when 360 skiful use legal grey zone controls the user's computer every corner of time, and no justice forces could fight!

"A trail of this evil, lifeless", and the power is not only pounces golden hill, rising and QQ, has already become the nightmare of Chinese Internet industry's nightmare. Please believe that we with such destructive ways, not just in order to confront the wickedness of a company, but as a dramatic way, to create the industry, the concern of the whole society, to call industry to accelerate and netizens legislative right awakening! Fortunately, you now see this letter, it shows our purpose is reached, You now that issued the question, we just for your safety and the industry's future to a more confidence!

Finally, once again, we sincerely calls for 360 timely brake, stop to industry legitimate company violations, to the industry and user apologies, and promise to give users a fair, fair, safety and the environment without interference from by selecting legitimate software.

Despite the moment we strongly questions of user, we do believe good divvails over evil, time will ultimately allow users understand the truth, justice will let us faith obtain the final user support and acceptance.

Tecent company

2010 November 4

有道翻译 360申请CHAT360商标我又检查了一遍。尽情的骂吧360申请CHAT360商标!!!!哈哈。看着好就给分哈~~~

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